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Features з дисплеєм
Mains voltage 220 В
Type of sterilization instruments Метал + скло
Color Білий
Average service life 8 years
Case size 550х420х440 (S/W/G)
Power 1000 Вт
Reservoir materia нержавіюча сталь
Country of origin Україна
Number of sets на 9-12 наборів
Sterilization method Гаряче повітря
Weight 18
Sterilizer type Сухожар
Maximum heating temperature 180 °С
Column 8 Размер лотка: S[22х30]
Number of loading trays 3
The material of the casing нержавіюча сталь
Installation type горизонтальний
Warranty 18 months
Destination Для салонів краси, Для кабінету косметолога, Для манікюрного кабінету, Для педікюрного кабінету
The volume of the sterilization chamber 20 L
Camera dimensions
300х220х300 (HxWxH)

Sterilizer MizMa GP 20 (dry heat)

SKU 1002
In stock
12 800$
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Dry heat cabinet GP-20

The GP-20 model is one of the most prominent representatives of the MizMa line of dry heat cabinets. Like other devices, it is designed for the physical sterilization of instruments. The operating principle involves treating the contents with hot dry air.

This dry heat cabinet for manicure instruments has a state-certified certificate. By purchasing certified equipment, you ensure 100% safety for yourself and your clients. Registering the dry heat cabinet as medical equipment guarantees complete sterilization.

The MizMa GP-20 instrument sterilizer is commonly used in beauty salons, manicure studios, and cosmetologist offices. It is designed for frequent use. With a sterilization chamber volume of 20 liters, it's an excellent choice if approximately 12 filled Kraft pouches are used per day.

The device is safe and economical, with power consumption comparable to an electric kettle.

Depending on the needs of the technician, the dry heat cabinet can be set to three modes:

1. Sterilization
2. Disinfection
3. Drying

For each process, temperature and time settings are configured. Temperature can be adjusted within the range of 80-200°C, and the time is limited to 999 minutes. Automated safety systems are in place for secure usage, including a bactericidal filter, emergency shutdown, and temperature lock.

The manufacturer has taken care not only of the quality of materials but also of thermal insulation. The manicure sterilizer reaches maximum temperature within 20 minutes and maintains it throughout the entire set operating time.

Treatment with hot dry air in Kraft pouches ensures the safety of instruments. Metal elements do not come into contact with moisture, do not darken, and are not subject to corrosion.

Purchasing a dry heat cabinet for manicure is essential for every technician. Choose the appropriate size and specifications!

We recommend ordering a wooden frame for safe transportation of the GP20 dry heat cabinet (additional payment required).

You can familiarize yourself with the CERTIFICATES in the attached files.

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