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Sterilization method Гаряче повітря
Weight 6 kg
Sterilizer type Сухожар
Maximum heating temperature 200 °С
Installation type горизонтальний
The material of the casing нержавіюча сталь
Warranty 18 months
Emergency shutdown in stock
Destination Для салонів краси, Для кабінету косметолога, Для манікюрного кабінету, Для педікюрного кабінету
The volume of the sterilization chamber 4 L
Features з дисплеєм
Mains voltage 220 В
Type of sterilization instruments Метал + скло
Timer є
Color Білий
Average service life 5 years
Case size 280х260х355 mm
Power 700 Вт
Reservoir materia нержавіюча сталь
Country of origin Україна
Heating time to sterilization temperature 15 хв

Sterilizer Microstop M2 (dry heat)

SKU 1009
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10 100$
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The Microstop M2 sterilizer the Microstop M2 sterilizer is suitable for large beauty salons and major nail studios where 2 or 3 technicians work simultaneously during one shift. It is operated with a single button.

It is most suitable for those who prefer to sterilize instruments in Kraft pouches, as they are placed vertically in the sterilization chamber, which explains the device's larger capacity.

In the Microstop M2 dry heat sterilizer, sterilization occurs under the action of hot dry air. The device operates in three modes and complies with all approved sterilization standards of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine:

- 200°C - 30 minutes
- 180°C - 60 minutes
- 160°C - 150 minutes

Resetting the settings is done by turning off and then turning on the power button, located on the rear panel next to the plug.

In the Microstop M2 dry heat cabinet, manicure and other metal or glass instruments are allowed to be sterilized.

General characteristics

  • The Microstop M2 dry heat cabinet is certified by UkrSEPRO.
  • It maintains temperature modes approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
  • It destroys all pathogenic microorganisms.
  • It does not damage instruments.
  • It is easy to use.
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