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Destination Для салонів краси, Для кабінету косметолога, Для манікюрного кабінету, Для педікюрного кабінету, Універсальні, для манікюру/педикюру, для манікюру
The volume of the sterilization chamber 10 L
Camera dimensions
142х240х260 (HxWxH)
Features з дисплеєм
Mains voltage 220 В
Type of sterilization instruments Метал + скло
Color Білий
Timer є
Average service life 8 years
Case size 360/385/400 (S/W/G)
Power 1000 Вт
Reservoir materia нержавіюча сталь
Country of origin Україна
Number of sets на 6 наборів
Heating time to sterilization temperature 20+/-5 хв
Maximum heating temperature 180 °С
Sterilizer type Сухожар
Number of loading trays 2
Column 8 Размер лотка: S[24х26]
The material of the casing нержавіюча сталь
Installation type горизонтальний
Warranty 18 months

Dezik GP 10 sterilizer MizMa's (dry heat)

SKU 1001
In stock
$10 500
$11 000
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The GP-10 Sterilizer is the most compact device from the MizMa company. It's a small dry heat sterilizer that accommodates 6 sets of instruments in Kraft paper pouches. It's a classic model used by most nail technicians, cosmetologists, microblading artists, and electrologists.

Like all MizMa products, the GP-10 model is manufactured in accordance with state standards. The quality of manufacture is confirmed by the fact that the sterilizer has official certification as medical equipment.

With a volume of 10 liters, it's sufficient for professionals seeing 3-4 clients per day. The three horizontal shelves of the sterilizer cabinet can accommodate all reusable instruments: tweezers, tattoo machine holders, scissors, and clippers.

The MizMa GP-10 is programmed for 3 standard modes: sterilization, disinfection, and drying. The technician independently sets the temperature and operating time. Modes are adjustable within the range of 80-200°C. The operating time at high temperatures is limited to 30-60 minutes. The drying time is unlimited.

Choosing to buy a certified dry heat sterilizer ensures that the technician gets a device that will work for many years. The materials used are heat-resistant, and the metal does not deteriorate even with constant exposure to high temperatures.

The GP-10 sterilizer is equipped with a powerful motor capable of reaching maximum temperature in a short time. In addition to the hardware, the manufacturer has installed well-functioning software and safety systems. The sterilizer is equipped with an emergency shutdown system, a bactericidal filter, and a lock in case of deviations from the set temperature regime.

The GP-10 dry heat sterilizer is an excellent solution for Beauty industry professionals. Ensure complete sterility for your clients!

Цей сухожар дійсно чудо-техніки,дуже важко натрапити на якісну річ,дякую консультантам,що порадили його,буду звертатись ще.
Спасибо, что посоветовали именно его! Хорошо, что менеджер уговорила взять поменьше, мне одной действительно его с головой прям хватает. Спасибо, что вы такие ответственные, а не лишь бы продать....
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