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Volume 0.5 л
Destination Універсальні
Color Блакитний
Country of origin Україна

Dezik Septonal hand antiseptic - 0.5 L

SKU 1232
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Wholesale prices from 24 units

Properties: Certificate of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 05.03.02-08/933 dated October 21, 2014

Used for hand skin decontamination. The product is based on alcohols and quaternary ammonium compounds. "Sepotonal" has bactericidal, fungicidal, virucidal, tuberculocidal, and deodorizing properties. The product effectively reduces the number of transient microflora within 30 seconds, including in the presence of protein, serum, and blood. It has high efficiency against resident skin microflora and provides quality surgical hand antiseptic treatment. It contains high-quality additives for skin care, allowing the product to be used repeatedly throughout the day.

Purpose of the product: The product is intended for decontamination (hygienic and surgical disinfection) of the skin of medical personnel in health and pharmacy institutions, laboratories of various subordination; pharmaceutical and perfumery-cosmetic industry enterprises; social protection institutions; transportation; in the food, processing industry, and public catering enterprises; communal services enterprises, temporary accommodation places, households, hairdressing salons, cosmetology clinics, and salons.

Use: Use the product according to the MOH Ukraine Instruction No. 391-2014 dated June 25, 2014. For hygienic disinfection, use 3-5 ml of the product for 30 seconds.

  • For surgical disinfection - 5-10 ml of the product for 3 minutes.
  • No need to rinse. Packaging: bottles with a capacity of 1 liter.

Shelf life - 3 years.

Methodological instructions and certificate can be downloaded by clicking on the "ATTACHED FILES" button.

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