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Weight 1 kg
Volume 1 л
Destination Для салонів краси, Для кабінету косметолога, Для манікюрного кабінету, Для педікюрного кабінету
Quantity per package 14 шт
Processing method Дезінфекція та стерилізація
Type of product Рідина
Color Блакитний
Country of origin Україна

Delanol - disinfection, PSO, and instrument sterilization agent from Dezik, 0.5 L

SKU 1225
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Disinfectant for disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning, and cold sterilization of instruments


Certificate of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 05.03.02-08/732 dated November 27, 2013

The product is based on quaternary ammonium compounds and tertiary amines.

Delanol disinfectant possesses the following properties:

  • Bactericidal (including tuberculosis pathogens),
  • Virucidal (including hepatitis pathogens, HIV, intestinal viral infections),
  • Fungicidal (including candida and dermatophyte pathogens, mold fungi),
  • Sporicidal.

Effectively removes blood residues from medical devices.

The working solutions of the product do not damage items made of corrosion-resistant materials, glass, rubber, polymer materials, wood, tiles, porcelain, ceramics, surfaces of medical devices and equipment with paint, galvanic, and polymer coating.

They are easily rinsed off and leave no residue.

Purpose of the product:

- For disinfection, including combined with pre-sterilization cleaning by manual and mechanical methods (including in ultrasonic cleaning equipment), of medical devices made of metal, glass, rubber, polymer materials, including surgical and dental instruments, rigid and flexible endoscopes, as well as tools for them and other products;
- For sterilization of medical devices made of metal, glass, rubber, polymer materials (including dental instruments and materials, rigid and flexible endoscopes, as well as tools for them), and other products;
- For high-level disinfection;
- For current and final disinfection during intestinal and droplet infections of bacterial (including tuberculosis pathogens), viral (including hepatitis pathogens, HIV, intestinal viral infections), fungal etiology (candida, dermatophytes, mold fungi);
- For preventive disinfection and general cleaning in healthcare facilities, laboratories of various departments, pharmaceutical, microbiological, perfumery-cosmetic, food processing industries, in public catering and trade establishments; in all types of transport, in social protection institutions, penitentiary institutions, communal facilities (hotels, hairdressers, cosmetology clinics and salons, etc.), in sanitary and preventive, pharmacy, educational, health-improving, and sports facilities;
- For disinfection in other facilities whose activities require disinfection measures.


Use the product in accordance with the MOH of Ukraine MU No. 307-2013 dated November 25, 2013.

Very low working concentrations, high tuberculocidal and sterilization properties, the ability to treat objects with hot mist.

The product can be used in the presence of people.

The shelf life of the working solution is 35 days in a tightly closed container at room temperature.

The working solutions of the sterilization product can be used repeatedly for up to 16 days.

Packaging: 1 liter bottle.

Shelf life - 5 years

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